Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the occasion of equal or greater value, and as close as possible to the picture. A Service/Delivery fee of $16.95 will be added to the price, but no sales tax ever. We don't believe in hidden charges!
Teleflora Winter's Eve Centerpiece
- SKU:
- T20X100B
- UPC:
Exquisite Beauty by Teleflora
This exquisite mix of blooms is like a breath of fresh air! Sweet pinks and purples are contrasted with a modern burst of fresh green hydrangea, and finished off with a pretty lavender cube vase...
Teleflora Watercolor Memory
A splish and splash of brilliance and vibrant colors! Watercolor Memory is a watercolor painting of flowers, brought to life. With fantastic white hydrangea, energetic alstroemeria and...
Making Merry - Teleflora
The Making Merry Bouquet is a festive and vibrant arrangement perfect for the holiday season. This cheerful bouquet features red roses, red carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, and...
Teleflora Colorful Tribute
A colorful tribute for someone special, this brilliant bouquet of red, white and blue blooms is both perfectly patriotic and gorgeous. This bouquet features blue hydrangea, red roses,...
Teleflora Sophisticated Love Bouquet
Give Valentine's Day or Mother's Day a dramatic twist with this romantic, swirling glass vase. Its ruby red ombre hue is the perfect complement for ravishing red roses and pink alstroemeria. white...
Yuletide Greetings from Teleflora
If you're going to a holiday party, thank your hostess or host ahead of time by sending this enchanting bouquet in a timeless matte red vase. You'll be assured of a warm welcome! Red...
Teleflora Snowy Night Bouquet
Give Christmas a charmingly contemporary spin with lush red and white roses in a dazzling glass cube. With a merrily moderate price tag, it makes the perfect gift for all the people on your list -...
Teleflora's Romantic Radiance Bouquet
Shimmering with a metallic ombre finish and bursting with a lavish bouquet of classic red roses and pink lilies, this unique European glass vase is a Valentine's Day gift they'll cherish forever...