Teleflora Sophisticated Love Bouquet
Give Valentine's Day or Mother's Day a dramatic twist with this romantic, swirling glass vase. Its ruby red ombre hue is the perfect complement for ravishing red roses and pink alstroemeria. white cushion spray chrysanthemums, and red carnations are...
Teleflora Holiday Shine Bouquet
Give the gift of holiday style with this mix of Christmas crimson and winter white blooms, all wrapped up with a festive plaid ribbon in a classic ginger jar. This bold bouquet includes red carnations, red miniature carnations, white cushion...
Teleflora Festive Pines Bouquet
Bursting with Christmas spirit, this lush rose bouquet is accented with candy canes and pine cones for a touch of festive fun. Red roses, white snapdragons, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are wrapped in a variegated aspidistra leaf and...
Yuletide Greetings from Teleflora
If you're going to a holiday party, thank your hostess or host ahead of time by sending this enchanting bouquet in a timeless matte red vase. You'll be assured of a warm welcome! Red roses and carnations, green button chrysanthemums and...
A Wonderous Winter Bouquet
Send them the wonders of winter with beautiful red roses, snow white lilies and fresh winter greens arranged in an elegant and unique glass vase. Red roses, white asiatic lilies and white button chrysanthemums are accented with fresh flat...
Precious Heart Bouquet
The Precious Heart Bouquet by FTD® is a blushing display of loving kindness. Fuchsia roses are sweetly stunning amongst red matsumoto asters, pink mini carnations and lush greens. Arranged in a classic clear glass vase, this bouquet boasts pink...
Teleflora Heart Shine Bouquet
Send a truly enchanting gift this Valentine's Day with this delicate red rose bouquet, presented in a swirling ceramic vase with sparkling metallic finish. This lovely arrangement features red roses, white alstroemeria, miniature red...
Teleflora Merry Beautiful Bouquet
So very merry! Spread holiday cheer far and near with this festive mix of classic Christmas roses, winter forest greens and sparkling golden ornaments. This festive mix includes red roses, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, red carnations, white pine,...
Teleflora's Silver And Snowflakes Bouquet
Pure winter wonder! Crimson carnations and red berries bring a festive touch to the snowy blooms of this lush holiday bouquet. Our magnificent silver vase makes this a gift to remember!Red carnations, white alstroemeria and white cushion chrysanthemums...
Teleflora Liquid Lavendar Bouquet
Turn up the glam this Mother's Day with this magnificent mirrored cube, bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and purple mums! Its silky finish and peaceful waves are sure to enthrall her. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy...
FTD Best Day Bouquet
Make this day their best day. Our local florist handcraft a colorful array of flowers in a clear glass vase to create a celebration in bloom. Perfect to give for a special reason or to simply share a smile. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some...
Meadows of Memories Urn Surround
As you come together to share your memories, these assorted purple flowers cradle the urn in a loving embrace. The soft greens and soothing purples are ideal to grace a memorial service.Includes lovely flowers such as lavender larkspur, roses,...
Enduring Strength Urn Surround Bouquet
This beautiful selection of red and white flowers and foliage create a stately backdrop for the urn. Approximately 20" tall x 16" widePlease note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate...
Soft and Sweet Urn Surround Bouquet
Soft pastel pink and lavender blooms create a beautiful setting to cradle the urn. Approximately 24" W by 24" D Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the occasion of equal...
Remembering the Good Times Bouquet
Lilies and a variety of bright color blooms add to the personalization of a wildflower look. Approximately 18" W by 12" H Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the...
Elegance Urn Surround Bouquet
Cream and green blooms in a circular design to surround the urn of your loved one. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the occasion of equal or greater value, and as...
Surrounded By Love Remembrance Bouquet
Butterflies surround the photo of your loved one as a sign of hope and love. Approximately 16" in diameter Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the occasion of equal or...
Honor Remembrance Trio
Honor Remembrance Trio, a Casket spray and 2 side pieces feature Roses, Hydrangea, Snapdragons, Delphinium in Reds, Whites, and Blues.Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to...
Enduring Strength Remebrance Trio
Red and white casket spray, urn and wreath. Roses, Hydrangea, Gerbera Daisies, Spider Poms and Ruscus make up this complimentary trio. Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate...
Treasured Celebration Full Sized Trio
The treasured celebration trio includes a full length closed casket spray, standing easel spray and crescent urn arrangement.Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the...
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