Autum.n is an awesome season and it's meant to be celebrated in style. The Teleflora Amazing Autumn Bouquet is a stunning celebration of the rich, warm hues of fall. This beautiful arrangement features a mix of orange and dark orange roses, unique burgundy Asiatic lilies, red carnations, and orange daisies. The bouquet is accented with seeded eucalyptus and salal, adding texture and greenery. All these vibrant flowers are presented in an elegant brown satin cylinder vase, making it a perfect centerpiece for any autumn occasion. Vase will vary.
Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the occasion of equal or greater value, and as close as possible to the picture. A Service/Delivery fee of $16.95 will be added to the price, but no sales tax ever. We don't believe in hidden charges!