Imagine the joy and surprise on their face when they receive a hand-delivered, elegant glass vase filled with four dozen roses in a stunning array of colors. Each rose is carefully selected and artistically arranged by our expert florists to create a breathtaking display of affection and admiration. This bouquet is not just an assortment of flowers; it's a symphony of colors that speaks volumes about what’s in your heart. Whether it's love, gratitude, congratulations or sympathy, each rose tells a story, each color conveys an emotion. From passionate reds and romantic pinks to friendly yellows and peaceful whites, this bouquet is a testament to the myriad of feelings that make up our hearts. Every bloom has been meticulously chosen and arranged to create a floral masterpiece that's sure to touch their heart and brighten their day!
Please note: Due to present circumstances, some substitutions must be allowed. We will always use appropriate flowers to the occasion of equal or greater value, and as close as possible to the picture. A Service/Delivery fee of $16.95 will be added to the price, but no sales tax ever. We don't believe in hidden charges!